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无硫磺【福建莲子 Fu Jian Lotus Seed】 Sulfur Free

RM 18.00
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无硫磺【福建莲子 Fu Jian Lotus Seed】 Sulfur Free

* For wholesale price please contact customer service * 批发价格请联系客服。*

福建 建宁莲子 容易煮容易糯 不用泡发 直接煮 煮了之后捞出轻轻一压 即成莲子泥 手工去皮祛芯 个大饱满 无熏硫

Lotus seeds also known as convenient snack that contains protein with calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iron and potassium. The antioxidants are useful to slow the aging process and help to fight inflammation. Chinese medicine use benefit of lotus seeds to treat heart problem and kidneys. 

These medicine also has ability to calm, address insomnia and diarrhea. In one ounce of raw lotus seeds contain a low-fat and non-cholesterol snack. They offer on healthy by its sugar-free, and improve sluggish appetites as well. Tonify the spleen and binds - chronic diarrhea, loss of appetite.

Tonify the kidneys and stabilize the jing - stop leukorrhea and spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation. Nourish heart, calm the spirit - irritability, anxiety, palpitations, insomnia Please be sure to store in the fridge for freshness and to prevent mildew.
