  • 山楂王-01.jpg

【特级山楂片】 Grade A Hawthorn Fruit

RM 7.00
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【特级山楂片】 Grade A Hawthorn Fruit

Health Benefits 功效 :

•The hawthorn fruit is high in vitamin C and contains the same antioxidants that are found in grapes. 

•Hawthorn is often used in Chinese herbal medicine and naturopathic medicine to aid digestive functions in the human body.  The dried fruit is considered slightly warm in property, promoting the flow of qi and removing stagnation in Eastern herbology.

 •According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, recent studies have shown that hawthorn could benefit those with hypertension and heart disease. 

•Overdose of hawthorn however may cause cardiac arrhythmia, low blood pressure, and nausea.  

Women in pregnancy should also avoid consuming hawthorn. 

山楂食用可开胃消食,特别对消肉食积滞作用更好,很多助消化的药中都采用了山楂 ,强心、降血脂、降血压 。

