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无硫磺 【8寸黑北芪片/黄芪片】Sulfur Free Bei Qi Astragalus Membranaceus

RM 15.00
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无硫磺 【8寸黑北芪片/黄芪片】

Sulfur Free Bei Qi Astragalus Membranaceus

* For wholesale price please contact customer service * 批发价格请联系客服。*





黄芪泡水喝可以护肝,尤为适合有肝炎、胃溃疡、胃炎或者肝损伤的人经常服用。 血糖偏高的人用黄芪泡水喝的话,可以使血糖降低,所以对于高血糖人群来说非常有益。



Astragalus contains a variety of amino acids, polysaccharides and sucrose, and also contains a variety of trace elements, which can make the respiratory system and immune function stronger, can also improve lung function, weak immune ability and sweat symptoms can be improve.

Frequent use of Astragalus to soak in water can improve the body's immunity and prevent colds. In addition, the fatigue caused by spleen deficiency, as well as the cough and shortness caused by lung deficiency, can be used to improve symptoms.  If you want to protect the cardiovascular system, you can choose to use the Astragalus to soak in water.

Astragalus can strengthen heart, lower blood pressure, anti-arrhythmia, and protection of the cardiovascular system. It is very suitable for people with heart disease, angina pectoris, heart failure, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and other diseases.  Astragalus soaked in water can protect the liver, especially for people with hepatitis, stomach ulcers, gastritis or liver damage.  

People with high blood sugar can drink blood with Astragalus, which can lower blood sugar, so it is very beneficial for people with high blood sugar.  Astragalus soaked in water has an anti-tumor effect, which is clinically proven. The polysaccharide contained in Astragalus membranaceus combined with anti-tumor drugs can enhance the efficacy and reduce side effects.  Astragalus soaked in water, the effect on the swelling of water is also very obvious, suitable for patients with eyelid swelling and edema. 
