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何人可原创凉茶 Ho Yan Hor Original Herbal Tea / 何人可晚安凉茶/何人可 gold凉茶

RM 12.40
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何人可原创凉茶 Ho Yan Hor Original Herbal Tea / 何人可晚安凉茶/何人可 gold凉茶 

Rest & Recover 

Ho Yan Hor Herbal Tea is fondly remembered by many as a medicine brewed by loving parents for their children when they are sick, often followed by a wrap up in a comfortable blanket to rest. Enjoy a cup of Ho Yan Hor Herbal Tea to help relieve heatiness and common cold as well as promote self-healing. 

Drink twice daily for three days at the first sign of common cold for a safe and natural healing. 

Ho Yan Hor Herbal Tea is: A special concoction of 23 natural herbs blended with black tea. It is long standing herbal heritage tea since the 1940s, commonly used by households in Malaysia to fight common cold and flu.

 Manufactured according to stringent pharmaceutical standards, hygienic, pesticide and contaminant free. Comes in a combination of herbs that provides anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.  


何人可凉茶是许多人深情记忆中父母为身体不适的孩子冲泡的热饮,再盖上被子捂出大汗。 一杯何人可有助于舒缓体内热气和伤风及具有自然疗愈的功能。 在热气和伤风初期每天饮用两次,连续服用三天,以自然痊愈。

何人可凉茶是 : 23种特殊天然草本精华与红茶的结合。 源自于1940年初期,对抗普通感冒和流感,家喻户晓及被受信赖的品牌。 依据严格药品生产规格制造;符合卫生标准,无农药,零污染。 草本的结合具有抗病毒,抗菌,抗炎及抗氧化的功能。 

中国医学理论所实践的是平衡人体的 “热” 与 “寒”。身体失去平衡所造成的燥热都是不良的生活习惯引起的常见症状,如吃辛辣或油炸食物,睡眠不足,干燥和压力。这些都是众病的根源。一杯何人可金茶能够帮助平衡于调和身体,保持健康的体魄。  

何人可gold 凉茶 29种特殊草本精华结合,有助于舒缓体热的不适及减轻喉咙疼痛。 以优质普洱茶为主要成分,具有抗氧化作用,属性温和不伤胃。 

草本的结合具有抗炎,抗菌及祛痰的功效。 当身体呈现体热的症状及喉咙不适时,立即饮用何人可金茶以体验舒适效应。 


何人可晚安凉茶是: 21 种特殊草本精华,让您在结束忙碌一天之前;平静心情,放松身心。 桑叶为主要成分,它无咖啡因;含有多种维生素及矿物质;几百年以来被用于调理身体及增强肝脏功能。 与其它草本的结合,提供镇定,放松及安神的疗愈功效 何人可晚安凉茶非常适合于有压力,心神不宁及睡眠困难的人。  
