  • 九烤盐-01.jpg

韩国九烤盐 Premium Korea Roasted Salt

RM 48.00
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韩国九烤竹盐 Premium  Korea Bamboo Salt

九烤盐是采用韩国西海岸雄进半岛与延平岛地下广大矿石群能量的海水作成的 100% 天然有机日晒盐为原料。将天然盐放入三年生的竹筒,再以纯净的黄土封口。再放入窑中,以松木燃烧。直到竹筒烧成灰,天日盐呈现柱状。经过烧烤过程后,盐里含有的重金属等有害物质或杂质皆被中和或去除,松木(松脂,松油)及竹子(200 多种人体所需的微量元素)的精华融入盐中,增加了人体不可或缺的镁、钙、钾、铜、铁、锌等无机金属离子。

Premium Korea Bamboo Salt  uses 100% organic sun-dried salt as its raw material. This natural salt is made of energy seawater generated by the vast underground ore cluster at Yeonpyeong Island and Hyeongjun Peninsular, West Coast of Korea. The natural salt is poured into a 3-year old bamboo tube and sealed by unpolluted yellow clay. Sealed bamboo tube will be incinerated in kiln with pine firewood to melt and harden the natural salt into a column. Harmful materials such as heavy metals or impurities will be neutralized and removed after the burning process. However, the salt is enriched by essence of pine woods (such as turpentine and pine oil) and bamboo (200 types of essential trace elements) with inorganic metal ions such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, copper, iron and zinc which are essential for human body.


韩国九烤竹盐是采用韩国西海岸雄进半岛与延平岛地下广大矿石群能量的海水作成的 100% 天然有机日晒盐为原料,将天然盐放入三年生的竹筒,再以纯净的黄土封口。再放入窑中,以松木燃烧。直到竹筒烧成灰,天日盐呈现柱状。竹盐在经过制作过程中已经把所有对人体有伤害的物质(例如:重金属、化学物质)消除,另外其营养价值更被大量提高。大部分普通食盐都经过化学加工,钠比例也比较高,长时间食用对人体有害。

What is the difference between Premium Korea Bamboo Salt and regular salt?
The natural ingredient of Premium Korea Bamboo Salt is 100% organic sun-dried salt made of energy seawater generated by the vast underground ore cluster at Yeonpyeong Island and Hyeongjun Peninsular, West Coast of Korea. The natural salt is poured into a 3-year old bamboo tube and sealed by unpolluted yellow clay. Sealed bamboo tube will be incinerated in kiln with pine firewood to melt and harden the natural salt into a column. While processing, not only harmful substances (such as heavy metals and chemical substances) have been removed but the nutritional value has also been enriched. However, most chemical processed salt contains high proportion of sodium which harms human body if taken for long term.


可以,但是份量必需改为 一茶匙。

Is Premium Korea Bamboo Salt  suitable for children and pregnant women?
Yes, but the dosage should be decreased to one tea spoon.



Is Premium Korea Bamboo Salt suitable for hypertension patients?
Yes, bamboo salt is low in sodium content, therefore it will not affect blood pressure and the richness of minerals can further improve health.



What is the Premium Korea Bamboo Salt pungent smell from? Does it harm our body? 
The unique odor from bamboo salt is the natural smell left by burned bamboo and it does not bring harm to human body.



Can we replace regular salt with  Premium Korea Bamboo Salt
 Premium Korea Bamboo Salt can definitely replace regular salt because it is rich in minerals and trace elements.

功效 Benefits :

  • 清除体内毒素
  • 增强肠道蠕动,消除宿便。
  • 提供人体矿物质和微量元素。
  • 调节人体机能,人体系统正常运作。
  • 调节人体酸碱平衡,恢复碱性体质。
  • 提高人体修复力。
  • Removes toxins 
  • Enhances intestinal peristalsis and eliminates sedimentary waste.
  • Provides minerals and trace elements.
  • Regulates biological mechanisms and body systems.
  • Regulates acid-base balance and restores body alkalinity.
  • Improves restorative capacity.

饮用方法 Usage Direction:

将两茶匙韩国九烤竹盐饮品以 200 毫升温水或果汁冲泡,搅拌均匀后饮用。

Mix one or two tea spoon  of  Premium Korea Bamboo Salt Drink with 200ml warm water or fruit juice and serve after stirred well.

Net Weight: 150 g

*Images are for illustration purposes only and may not representing the actual ingredient(s).*
