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【林兄弟】健体有机小米 ORGANIC MILLET 500g

RM 9.50
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【林兄弟】健体有机小米 ORGANIC MILLET 500g


Millet are rich in Iron, Calcium, Protein and Vitamin E, Millet rice and porridge can help prevent from Dementia and Osteoporosis, helping children for their bone and brain development.

**煮饭煮粥皆宜。Suitable for rice and porridge


Organic millet is sweet and salty; it has the functions of nourishing yin and nourishing blood, clearing away heat and quenching thirst, strengthening stomach and humidification, and sleeping in the stomach. It is rich in nutrients and contains protein, fat, carbohydrate, carotene, amino acids, vitamins and various trace elements. It is the basic food for nutrients. Millet yin, its rich amino acids help prevent miscarriage, antibacterial and prevent female gingivitis, for pregnant women in the morning discomfort or postpartum nursed back to use millet porridge, often eat has a good effect; and it contains Aristophanes The first of the cereals is very helpful in regulating sleep. 
