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黄金罗汉果 Golden Luo Han Guo | Monk Fruit

RM 2.60
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黄金罗汉果 Golden Luo Han Guo | Monk Fruit





-止咳 ,护咽 ,润喉 ,益寿 ,美容 ,清肺

5 Health Benefits Of Monk Fruit: 

-Relieves Allergy When our bodies experience something to which we are allergic, our body’s mast cells release a number of chemicals into our system, one of which 

[2] is histamine. This is what causes allergic reactions like inflammation, irritation, coughing, and every other symptom of allergies. The extract of monk fruit has been proven to prevent this activity of mast cells, reducing the histamine and eliminating common allergies. This chemical is also connected to reducing asthmatic reactions, which can save lives. 

-Prevents Cancer Although research is somewhat limited in this area, the studies that have focused on monk fruit’s impact on cancer cells have been nothing short of remarkable. Particularly in skin cancer, the unique antioxidant properties 

[3] of the glycosides and saponins found in monk fruit can prevent the spread of cancerous cells and even reduce their presence by neutralizing free radicals. Oddly enough, excess sugar has often been connected with a higher risk of cancer, but the glycosides and complex sugars of monk fruit apparently have the opposite effect. -Anti-aging Properties There is a unique statistic about the regions in which monk fruit naturally grows; there is a much higher than an average number of centenarians per capita. In other words, people who regularly use and consume monk fruit seem to live longer. Obviously, this is based on population statistics, but the antioxidant properties 

[4] of monk fruit do have an effect on the general breaking down of the body as we age, making this a powerful anti-aging fix. -Improves Heart Health Monk fruit’s organic components also prevent 

[5] cholesterol from oxidizing, which is what happens before that cholesterol builds up into plaque within the arteries and blood vessels. Therefore, monk fruit has the potential to lower risks of heart attack and strokes by preventing the development of atherosclerosis. -Controls Diabetes One of the most widespread and dangerous diseases in modern times is diabetes, which is an inability of the body to regulate its glucose and insulin levels 

独立包装 - 5.4cm-5.6cm /粒
