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【三钱牌】梧州龟苓膏 Three Coin Gui Ling Gao Chinese Herbal Jelly 250g

RM 3.90
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【三钱牌】梧州龟苓膏 Three Coin Gui Ling Gao Chinese Herbal Jelly  250g

正宗三钱牌梧州龟苓膏是民间传统食品,选用中药材精制而成。本品不含任何防腐剂和色素, 香精及其它添加剂. 可随意食用. 龟苓膏是历史悠久的梧州传统药膳,相传最初是清宫中专供皇帝食用的名贵药物。它主要以名贵的鹰嘴龟和土茯苓为原料,再配生地等药物精制而成。其性温和,不凉不燥,老少皆宜,具有清热去湿,旺血生肌,止瘙痒,去暗疮,润肠通便,滋阴补肾,养颜提神等功效,因而倍受人们喜爱,并畅销中外。 龟苓膏主要以鹰嘴龟和土茯苓为主要原料。鹰嘴龟是名贵的中药,可清热解毒;土茯苓则可去湿。除这两种主药外,再配以生地、蒲公英、金银花等药效加强。龟苓膏有清热解毒、拔毒生肌、滋阴补肾、保健养颜功效。它的品性温和,不凉不燥,男女老幼皆宜。龟苓膏的功用 一般来说,龟苓膏夏天吃比较合适。因为它能够对付因天气炎热造成的心烦口燥、咽喉痛、小便短涩等,皮肤上长疮、疖、痱子的人吃它也能有一定的缓解作用。 

Traditionally Three Coin Brand Wuzhou Guilinggao is a folk traditional food that is refined instead of Chinese medicinal materials. This product does not contain any preservatives, colors, flavors and other additives. Can be eaten freely Guiling Gao is a traditional Wuzhou medicinal diet with a long history. According to legend, it was originally a rare medicine for the emperor in the Qing palace. It is mainly made of precious eagle-billed tortoise and Smilax glabra as raw materials, and then refined with herbs such as rehmannia. It is mild in nature, neither cold nor dry, suitable for all ages. It has the effects of clearing heat and removing dampness, promoting blood and muscle, relieving itching, removing acne, moistening bowel, nourishing yin and kidney, nourishing skin and refreshing, so it is very popular among people. Best-selling at home and abroad. Eagle-billed tortoise is a valuable Chinese medicine, which can clear away heat and detoxify; Smilax glare can dehumidify. In addition to these two main medicines, the effects of herbal medicines such as rehmannia, dandelion and honeysuckle are added. Guiling ointment has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxifying, pulling toxins and promoting muscle growth, nourishing yin and invigorating the kidney, health care and beauty. It is mild in character, neither cool nor dry, suitable for men, women and children. As an alternative to the function of Guiling paste, it is more suitable to eat Guiling paste in summer. Because it can deal with the upset and thirst caused by the hot weather, sore throat, short urine, etc., people who have sores on the skin, boils, and rash can also have a certain relief effect.
