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新癀片 Xinhuang Pian 24's

RM 18.50
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新癀片 Xinhuang Pian  24's



成份: 三七、人工牛黄、肖梵天花、珍珠层粉等。 性状 本品为淡棕灰色的片;气香、微腥,味苦。 


用法用量: 口服,一次2~4片,一日3次,小儿酌减。


FUNCTION and INDICATIONS:For sore throat,toothache,arthromyodynia,hypochondriac pain, jaundice,anonymous swollen poison ect due to heat-toxicity and blood stasis. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine Functions Clearing away heat and toxicity,promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis,relieving swelling and pain. 

INGREDIENTS: Notoginseng Root,Compound calculus bovis ect.

DESCPRIPTION This product is light brown gray film; fragrance, micro-fishy, bitter taste.

SPECIFICATION AND PACKAGE 0.32g x 24 tablets/box.

USAGE AND DOSAGE For oral use after meals,2-4 tablets thrice daily,dosage for children reduced accordingly. External,mix it with cold boiled water,put it on the affected area. 

REFERENCES The medicine has good anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, in the treatment of rheumatism and heat paralysis (such as arthritis and the like), trauma (operation) anti-infective, stomatology, sore throat, acute pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, Antipyretic effect. After taking the product ,generally 0.5 ~ 2h effective, analgesic maintenance time 6 ~ 12h. Light symptoms disappear 2 to 3 days, severe cases within 1 week to ease. The medicine also has good anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects on the surgical sores,shingles, hemorrhoids and swollen pains, anonymous swollen poison and so on. 

Generally, it can be effective for 2 to 3 days. To acute jaundice hepatitis, cholecystitis also have a very good therapeutic effect. 
