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【北京同仁堂】八珍益母丸 Tongrentang Bazhen Yimu Wan

RM 23.30
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【北京同仁堂】八珍益母丸 Tongrentang Bazhen Yimu Wan


八珍益母丸口服的会有微苦的味道,服用八珍益母丸能够改善女性月经不调,气血不足的症状。 很多女性当气虚或者月经不调的时候,总会想到八珍益母丸,因为服用八珍益母丸对于女性有以下的功效与作用:




Ba Zhen Yi Mu Wan (Restorex Plus Extract) is a classical formula of TCM for women with irregular menstruation, red and white vaginal discharge due to deficiency in blood and qi. This formula has been practically used for over 450 years. The formula Bazhen Yimu Wan can be traced back to the ancient medical book "Collected Treatises of Jing-Yue", by Zhang Jing-Yue (1563~1640) in Ming Dynasty. 

Bazhen Yimu Wan is used specially for women who are deficient of blood and qi with weakness and irregular menstruation. In China it is often prescribed for irregular menstruation, painful menstruation, light bleeding after abortion, etc. Nourish blood, tonify qi, adjust menses, nourish fertility, used for scanty menstruation, dysmenorrhea ,inability to conceive, habitual miscarriage, post-partum recovery Ba Zhen Yi Mu Wan (Restorex Plus Extract) is a classical formula of TCM for women with irregular menstruation, red and white vaginal discharge due to deficiency in blood and qi. This formula has been practically used for over 450 years. The formula Bazhen Yimu Wan can be traced back to the ancient medical book "Collected Treatises of Jing-Yue", by Zhang Jing-Yue (1563~1640) in Ming Dynasty. Bazhen Yimu Wan is used specially for women who are deficient of blood and qi with weakness and irregular menstruation. In China it is often prescribed for irregular menstruation, painful menstruation, light bleeding after abortion, etc. Nourish blood, tonify qi, adjust menses, nourish fertility, used for scanty menstruation, dysmenorrhea ,inability to conceive, habitual miscarriage, post-partum recovery 

[Product Name] Tong Ren Tang Ba Zhen Yi Mu Wan / Tongrentang Bazhen Yimu Wan/ Tongrengtang Bazhen Yimu Pills/ Tongrentang Bazhenyimu Pills 

[Ingredients] Leonurus, Codonopsis Pilosula, Prepared Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Poria Cocos, Licorice, Chinese Angelica, Fried-wine Radix Paeoniae Alba, Ligusticum Wallichii, Radix Rehmanniae Preparata. (Yimucao, Dangshen, Baizhu, Fuling, Gancao, Danggui, Baishao, Chuanxiong, Shudihuang, Fengmi) 

[Properties] Black water-honeyed pills; Slight fragrant, bitter. 

[Functions] Reinforcing qi and nourishing blood, promoting blood circulation to restore menstrual flow. It is used for doldrums, fatigue and abnormal menstruation caused by Blood and Qi deficiency. 

[Usage and Dosage] Take 6g (60pills) per time, two times daily.

[Storage] Keep sealed in dry and cool place. 
