  • 向阳银蜂蜜-01.jpg

向阳保健(银蜂蜜)RH Wellness Stingless Bee Honey-1000g

RM 220.00
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向阳保健(银蜂蜜)RH Wellness Stingless Bee Honey

银蜂是一种体积细小的蜂种,黑色的外形看似一只苍蝇,其学名为Trigona Carbonaria,基于其尾端并无毒蛰,因此也俗称无蛰蜂或无针蜂,马来人则称为LebahKelulut。

纯天然不加任何添加剂的银蜂蜜中含有较多的酵素,除了能促进人体内的细胞新陈代谢外,也能控制癌细胞,是其它糖制品没有的特殊功能,而其余的成分则包括微量元素及类蛋白等,营养价值颇高,高于其他蜂蜜的10倍。银蜂蜜含有16种氨基酸(Asid Amino)、葡萄糖、维他命(A/B/C/D/E)、生物类黄酮(Bioflavanoid)和矿物质。银蜂蜜的医疗用途包括糖尿病、中风、癌症、高血压、尿酸、关节痛、抗衰老、结石、帮助消化、美容保健、女性产后保健、回复内伤和增进新陈代谢。营养高医疗用途多,相比一般排蜂(大蜜蜂)的蜜,基于排蜂的蜂蜜糖份很高,会逐渐变成在『养』体内的细胞,因此唯独银蜂蜜具有抗癌功能。味道甜中带酸  依据许多人的传统观念,通常只要谈及蜂蜜就会联想到「甜」,但银蜂蜜却不一样,养蜂人都不会称它为蜜,反而称之为酵素,乃最好的天然酵素。蜂蜜是纯天然的保健⾷品,对女性美容养颜来说大有好处,蜂蜜最直接的食用方式就是冲成蜂蜜水,下面就让我们看看蜂蜜水的神奇功效吧。美国农业部人类营养中心专家发现,蜂蜜能防止中老年妇女因钙流失而引起的骨质疏松,这是因为蜂蜜中的硼能增加雌激素活性,防止钙的流失。

Pure natural honey without any additives containing more enzymes, in addition to promoting the body's cell metabolism, but also to control cancer cells, other sugar products do not have special features, and the rest of the ingredients include trace elements and Such as protein, high nutritional value, 10 times higher than other honey. Silver honey contains 16 amino acids (Asid Amino), glucose, vitamins (A / B / C / D / E), bio flavones (Bioflavanoid) and minerals. The medical use of silver honey includes diabetes, stroke, cancer, high blood pressure, uric acid, arthralgia, anti-aging, stones, help digestion, beauty care, female postpartum health care, restore internal injuries and enhance metabolism. Nutrition and high medical use, compared to the general row of bees (big bees) of honey, based on the bee of the honey is very high sugar, will gradually become "raise" the body cells, so only silver honey has anti-cancer function. Taste sweet with sour According to the traditional concept of many people, usually just talk about honey will think of "sweet", but the silver honey is not the same, beekeepers do not call it honey, but called the enzyme, but The best natural enzyme. Honey is a natural health care products, beauty of women beauty is good, honey, the most direct way to eat is washed into honey water, let us look at the following honey, the magic of water effect it US Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Center experts found that honey can prevent middle-aged women due to calcium loss caused by osteoporosis, it is because the honey in the boron can increase the activity of estrogen to prevent the loss of calcium.



Drink one spoon before breakfast and before bed .

Net Weight: 1000 g 
