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【永泰祥】姜蒜蜜露 (升级版)Ginger Garlic Beverage Mix

RM 55.00
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姜蒜蜜露 Ginger Garlic Beverage Mix

疏通血管、降低血压、降低胆固醇 Improve Blood Circulation


This is a mixture of Premium grade Bentong pure ginger,garlic,lemon and other natural ingredients extraction. Therefore,drinking it regularly will enhance your physical health. This mixture promote dilate the blood vessels to prevent arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. It can also help to reduce blood pressure and cholesterols hence prevent heart blockage.The ginger is known to be effective against colds and flu. It can help with stomach discomfort and indigestion problems. It can also help to remove toxins from body hence reduce the risk of Cancer and bacterial infection.

功能  Used For :

- 苹果醋有助于身体排毒和抗菌. 

-Apple cider vinegar helps for body detox and antibacterial.

- 蜂蜜有助于抗氧化剂,促进消化.

- Honey helps for antioxidants and promotes digestions.

- 大蒜有助于心血管益处,降低血压和抗菌.

- Garlic helps for cardiovascular benefits, reduce blood pressure and antibacterial.

- 柠檬有助于改善血管功能,增强免疫系统,有助于消化不良和便秘,伤口愈合,减轻疼痛和炎症.

- Lemon helps to improve function of blood vessels, boost immune system, helps in indigestion and constipation, wounds healing, reduce pain and inflammation.

成份  Ingredients:

顶级文冬纯正生姜,大蒜,蜂蜜,柠檬及苹果醋 ,黄姜

Premium grade Bentong pure ginger, garlic, honey, lemon and apple cider vinegar

食用方法  Usage Direction:

**饮用前摇均**                           **Shake well before drinking**


1 sample cup (30ml) to be taken day and night people with gastric may consume after meal.

注意 Note:


Pregnancy, long-term medication and others illnesses, please consult your doctor.

营养成份  Nutrition Facts:

Serving Size: 30ml

份量     Quantity
Per 100g

能量  Energy    

100 kcal

碳水化合物 Carbohydrate 


糖份  Total Sugar


蛋白质  Protein  


脂肪 Total Fat


Net Weight:500ml

*Images are for illustration purposes only and may not representing the actual ingredient(s).*
