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卡琪花蒂瑪茶包 Kacip Fatimah Tea Bag 150g

RM 85.00
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卡琪花蒂瑪茶包 Kacip Fatimah Tea Bag 150g

卡琪花蒂瑪 【八大神奇功效】: 

1. 平衡体力荷尔蒙, 改善内分泌引起的微循环紊乱; 

2. 清宫排毒, 暖宫护巢, 促进排卵, 提升受孕机会; 

3. 改善面部肌肤, 祛痘, 祛斑, 拉升, 上提下垂皮肤; 

4. 让女性身体脂肪更加紧实, 丰满胸部, 达到S曲线; 

5. 专治性冷淡, 提升性欲, 增强性反应, 协调夫妻生活; 

6. 调整经期, 推迟闭经期, 治疗痛经, 减少白带, 根治妇科病;

7. 舒缓更年期症状:睡眠不安, 紧张, 烦燥, 热潮红, 阴道干燥, 黑斑, 情绪波动等; 

8. 拥有恢复健康的独特排素及收敛作用, 是分娩后收缩子宫的最佳产品。 




备注: 怀孕、月经,哺乳期间之妇女及16岁以下儿童不适服用;癌症,心脏病,肾肝脏病人,没免疫力病人(手术后)不适合喝卡琪。 

Kacip Fatimah Balance hormones, improves microcirculation disorders caused by endocrine.

Tighten the skin, improve facial skin, lift sagging skin. Let women's body fat becomes firmer, able to gain plump breasts and S-curved body line. Increased pelvic muscles and restore strength and health of women. 

Improve the contraction of muscles after parturition. It has an unique usage of disinfection and restoration of health, the best product for the contraction of the uterus after parturition. 

Reduce the occurrence of osteoporosis. Ease flushing, night sweat and insomnia. 

Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Improve mood and health. Increase body energy and gain vitality. 

Enhance libido and sexual response. Warm uterus, Relieve dysmenorrheal. 


• 平衡体内荷尔蒙,改善内分泌引起的微循环紊乱 

• 收紧皮肤,改善面部肌肤,拉升、上提下垂皮肤

• 让女性身体脂肪更加紧实,丰满胸部,达到S曲线 

• 增加盆骨肌肉,恢复妇女体力及健康 

• 产后提高肌肉收缩 

• 拥有恢复健康的独特消毒及收敛作用,是分娩后收缩子宫的最佳产品

• 减少骨质疏松发生 

• 缓解发热潮红、盗汗、失眠症状 

• 减低心血管事件风险 

• 改善情绪,增加自我健康 

• 增加机体能量,让机体更具活力 

• 提升性欲、增强性反应 

• 暖宫、缓解痛经  
