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【北京同仁堂】安宮牛黃丸【Beijing Tong Ren Tang】 Angong Niuhuang Wan

RM 553.00
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【Beijing Tong Ren Tang】 Angong Niuhuang Wan 


【同仁堂】安宮牛黃丸依照清代著名溫病學家吳鞠通《溫病條辯》之古方,配合同仁堂精良炮製方法,產品專門應對突發的心腦血管健康問題,傳承至今,造福多代廣大民眾。 有清熱解毒,鎮驚開竅的功效。用於熱病,邪入心包,高熱驚厥,神昏譫語。




口服,一次1丸,一日一次。 本品連續服用不宜超過三天,或遵醫囑。




  • 本品為熱閉神昏所設, 寒閉神昏不得使用。
  • 運動員及過敏體質者慎用。
  • 服藥期間飲食宜清淡, 忌食辛辣食物。
  • 本品含朱砂、雄黃, 不宜過量、久用, 肝腎功能不全者慎用。
  • 在治療過程中出現肢寒畏冷, 面色蒼白, 冷汗不止, 脈微欲絕, 由閉證變為脫證時應立即停藥。
  • 服食過量可能會有危險。
  • 兒童必須在成人的監護下使用。
  • 如正服用其他藥品,使用本品前請諮詢醫師。
  • 服用前應除去蠟皮、塑膠球殼及玻璃紙;本品可嚼服,也可分份吞服。
  • 孕婦禁用。
  • 如對以上產品有任何疑問,請諮詢註冊中醫師。  


    【Tong Ren Tang】 Angong Niuhuang Wan has created by the famous Chinese practitioner (Wu Jutong) in Qing dynasty. It is one of the three well-known products of Chinese medicine for cardiovascular health problem. To clear heat, remove toxin, settle fright, open the orifices. Febrile disease caused by pathogenic factors entering the pericardium, high fever and fright syncope, loss of consciousness, delirious speech.

    Bovis Calculus , Moschus, Margarita, Cinnabaris , Realgar ,Coptidis Rhizoma , Scutellariae Radix, Gardeniae Fructus, Curcumae Radix, Borneolum Syntheticum, Powdered Buffalo Horn Extract, etc.

    Usage and dosage
    To take orally, 1 pill a time, 1 time a day; 
    Don't use it for over 3 days or follow the physician's advice.

    1 wax shell pill per small box, 1 pill per wax shell pill, 3g per pill.

    • This product is used for people with loss of consciousness caused by heat block syndrome, but not by cold block syndrome.
    • Used with caution in athletes and allergic people.
    • During medication, bland diet is advised. Avoid spicy food.
    • This product contains Cinnabaris and Realgar, it is not suitable for excessive or prolonged use. Use with caution in people with liver and kidney dysfunctions.
    • Stop taking this medicine if the following symptoms occur during the treatment: cold hands and feet, fear of cold, pale complexion, incessant cold sweating, faint pulse and nearly no pulse, syndrome changes from blockage to collapse.
    • Overdose may cause danger.
    • Children must be under adult supervision to use this product.
    • If you are taking other drugs, please consult your physician before using this product.
    • Remove the wax shell, plastic shell and cellophane before taking the pill.
    • The pill could be chewed or swallowed separately in few parts.
    • Contraindicated in pregnant women.
    • Please consult the Chinese medicine practitioner's advice in case of any queries.